
hicky traveller and variety of way to travel


Here in Wuhan it rains 6days in a streak these days...

Today's blog goes as follows.

If there are 100 travelers, there are 100 styles of traveling.
Last week, I was stuck in my dorm room for a few days because of my cold in Wuhan.

And there came a man with a big backpack. He said he's from 山西 province,
and complained about the city of Wuhan lots of time. Weather is bad, city
is not that big as 武汉人 say,etc... And watching movie on his PC all day
long, for at least 3 or 4days.

What I'm saying is, not whether his way of traveling is good or bad. My image of traveling before I started my trip was stereotyped.

As I wrote on my blog for several times, most everyone have their own
PC, and common room of youth hostel is filled with those people who
surf net and talk on SKYPE or chat.
Not to say, there's exception and the friend I made so far are those
people from exception, for some reason.

My travel goes on like this...

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