Today's blog goes as follows.
Leave for Chengdu soon...
I will leave for Chengdu tonight.
Before I leave,let me introduce some conversation with guy from Swiss and Italy.
The Swiss guy was travelling around the world by bycicle and talked
about "Asian innocence" which I heard for the first time.
He said,"During my trip, I felt lots of Asian innocence "
I replied,"What's that?"
What he meant was those bad manner of Asian people,but also said
they(We?in a way)look so innocent even if they done bad behavior in
Europian context.
Let me give you an example.
In the dorm, we usually have reading light for each bed,but usually
it's said(In European context,may be,but I believe most Japanese
people do the same) after 11;00pm or someone is sleeping,we turn the
light off and try to be quiet.
But this one cute lady came back at room at around 1;00am, turn on the
big light,in the room,start to make noize like a tyhoon.(word from
Italian guy)
She doesn't mean to bother your sleep,but she just don't have any idea
its annoying.
According to Italian guy, "China developed so fast that those people
just didn't catch up with the world standard" Here I'm not saying
Chinese people are careless or anything,what I'm saying is when you
try to cope with the people from different culture, you have to change
your context,or at least try to make two different culture closer.
After all,every country is made of people.
It's reckless to say "I don't like America" or "I don't like Asian"
Not the best conclusion,but I have to go now or I'll miss my train.
Write again in Chengdu!
11 年前
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