Walking street,hungry,looking for some cheep restraunt.
But don't wanna spend anything for dissapointing fried rice or noodle.
What makes me choose which restraunt to go is, competency,whether the
place you choose is surronded by the other restraunt or not.
It may be too much to say for daily choice for meal,but what I wannna
say is competence is important. Competency makes competitor work
hard.If you're customer,it allow you to enjoy cheaper price, if you're
competitor,it encourage you to work harder.
You don't always work to death or cheat to beat your competitor.
Just compete with your all might makes you stronger,mentally and physically.
Especially after got into university,fortunately, I was encouraged by
so many hard-working competitor(they probably not regard me as
such,but I rather use this term).
We don't fight or literally compete,but I believe its important to be
with someone who can always learn from them.
During my trip,I again fortunately met with so many
competitors.(rival,or friends, whatever) May be 5 or 10years later,I
don't wanna meet them again with my head dropped.
Just do it,to meet them with my head up.
11 年前
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