I couldn't find cheap hostel in 石家庄, so now I moved to 洛阳。
It is very old city and I liked it much...
I usually book the train leaves night, and arrive next destination on
the morning.
From Dalian to Shijiazhuang, it took about 15hours, but most of the
time I sleeping or reading a book. I'm now used to it.
Today's blog goes as follows.
It is always difficult to find somewhere you can be really alone in China.
Ofcorce travelling I am trabelling alone and I sometimes feel alone as
I wrote in the past
But as many people know, current booming Chinese economy, I believe,
wouldn't be done without those flooding amont of people. And you never
feel really "alone".
On the other hand, ironically I may say, often you can find yourself
alone in the
museum or remains. In my experience, young people approximately under
30 don't have anti-Japanese feeling as you expected,(the people I met,
needless to say) or it may be more
correct to say not interested in.
However, it doesn't go that you don't need to study any history or
Japan-China relationship.
Because many people I fortunately got in close relationship asked me
about those issue, as I wrote. I believe one can't build further bond
or Kizuna without touching such a issue.
I'm now struggling with humid and hot climate, after I spent 2weeks in
cool northern east
area. May be the time has come that I dare to try some fruits to help
me get more water in the street,haha.
(I think I always got stomachache in my first stay in Beijing)
11 年前
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