
out of daily life, still looking for routine

Usually it is said that the biggest reason one goes to travel it to go
out of daily, everyday the same life.
But in a big trip like what I am doing now. I realized that (may be
only me, haha) one try to find something routine, even in a different

For me, for example, I wake up like 7;30 am and do little exercise.
And I take a lot of time to read a newspaper and eat breakfast, really
slowly(which I usually don't do in Japan) then go out like until 5 or
6 pm, go back to the hostel and eat dinner.
Then I finally use PC, usually from 6 to 8pm, then read some book, go to
sleep around 10pm. You may think it's Mottainai to lead a daily
life, even though I should be in undaily life. But whatever they may
say, I like it.

I feel like I'm having one of the longest vacation in my life!
Though bit challenging...

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