I usually use train to moving around China.
Today I just bought the ticket to Nanjing on Sunday.
In the small city like Luoyang where I am now, its gonna be very
difficult to get the ticket with bed, unless you buy 3 or 4 days
Although I planned to stay in Shijiazhuang, I couldn't find cheap
stay, so I moved to Luoyang now, which is very old and calm city, I
like it very much.
From Shijiazhuang to Luoyang, since I didn't expect that I can't find
hostel at Shijiazhuang, I ended up buying ticket without seat.
As is often happens in my stay, I couldn't understand what they(staff
in station) are saying and bought the ticket without seat for 6hours
trip! But you can find empty seat on your way so its OK...
At first time, standing in a crowded train for 6hours seemed to me a
clear violation of human rights! haha.
But when it turned out,it was nice. I came up with some heart-warming
sean in a train.
When mother carrying small baby came in(it seems to me she was ethnic
people) the man on the seat handed over his seat for them immediately.
Its not a subway or anything else, imagine if Japanese people do the
same thing on Shinkansen.(though there will be no standing people on
Shinkansen.)China is such a interesting country.
On one hand they are infamous for their repressive policy for ethnic
minority, on the other hand you can find such a scene among public.
Well...such a big country...
11 年前
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