
Hello from Harbin!

This is the second day from Harbin,which is my second place to visit.

Its great that most every hostel can use free PC and internet, but one
big drawback
is I can not use Japanese><

Today's lowest temperature was 4 degrees, which is not so cold than I expected.
The inner Mongolia that I visited 2 years ago was much more terrible...

But down jacket will be needed if you walk around at night, and I just
don't feel like take a shower or something in the temperature like
I miss"Furo" in Japan!
But nothing starts from just miss something that impossible to reach.
Looking around, the food is cheaper than Beijing and one big thing is
I can enjoy
real one-people room even in dormitory!
Yes, on season in Harbin is winter, and there is no other hosteler
staying in my 8 bed room so far.

In the morning I just buy some bread(which is popular here, influenced
by Euro culture) and read a newspaper on Kindle, one of my favorite
time after I come here.

I will report some Russian building next time...

I am so happy to see so many comments.
Hope to talk all of you after I go back and looking forward to receive another.
Thank all of you so much.

2 件のコメント:

JJ さんのコメント...

Which countries are you planning to visit, or just moving around China??

Hey Yohta, as you know the temperature swings wildly from hot to cold while moving over the countries for your backpack trip, so there is a lot of chances you catch a cold!

Take care man!

よた さんのコメント...

Mainly in China,and exceptionally go to Vietnam to visit Shiho-san.

And I already got a cold...haha