
long and short one month


I arrived safely in Nanjing yesterday morning.
I think famous three hot city in China is Nanjing, Chongching, and
Bukan, not Luoyang.

Anyway, here in Nanjing is not as hot as Luoyang, at least today.

About a month has passed since I come to Beijing on April 30th.

I've been to 北京,哈尔滨(Harbin), 大连(Dailen),洛阳(Rakuyo) so far.
Harbin and Dailen was really comfortable under the cool weather, then
used these one week to get used to the climate of south part.

But still its tough to walk so long under the shining sun.
I often go to supermarket to get rest. In China, Carfurr(not sure my
spelling is right), French based supermarket is very popular, and you
can find them frequently when you are in big city. May be Carfurr's
"sell a lot" style fits to the Chinese culture than that of Japan.

One thing new for me is, during self-cordinated trip like this, I feel
more sensitive to the amount of money I spend for my daily life.
For example, the hostel now I'm staying in Nanjing is 45 RMB(about
650yen). The hostel in Luoyang was 30RMB. But the hostel in Luoyang
was more comfortable.
And I spend about 15RMB per day for food.200RMB from Luoyang to
Nanjing for train ticket, etc...

You always need money to live,so that is the biggest reason that (most
of the people, I may say)people work.
Yes we need to work to live.What for?

Let me continue this next time...

2 件のコメント:

jinglelingleling さんのコメント...




Keep in touch^^

よた さんのコメント...


Amazingly I can see this blog from Shanghai. Sasuga Shanghai,haha.

Anyway,thanks for your help.
I will definitely ask you for help when I reached Chendu.