I'm eating pretty well since I arrived in Ningbo.
One of my friend working in Ningbo introduced me lots of nice food!
Today's blog goes as follows.
I haven't written articles these days,yes, I realized...
Needless to say, it's really difficult to write something if you haven't
strong desire to express. Being asked whether I didn't have anything to write after a usually
long day, of course there were something, but just drank a little bit too
much Chinese beer and sometimes public PC is being used by others when I
wanted to use...
In China too,it's now rainy season.
Here in 宁波 where I’m staying right now also see lots of rain these days.
In 宁波 I feel something in common with that I felt in 大连, and may be with
Makuhari,which is my hometown.
In coastal area like 宁波 one should try seafood, and I had some with one
of my friends yesterday.
I think food is something that I can't cut the expense of.
One who's visited China would know how people in China, from the
bottom of hierarchy to the top,put stress on every meal.
To realize how important it is, I tried one-day fast yesterday, just for fun.
I am encouraged by so many comments everyday and I'm afraid that I
can't get you back for each comment, but I'm reading!
I'm stuck in hostel today, its too hot today!
11 年前
1 件のコメント:
i met an Italian lady in my class. She has learnt Chinese for 10 years, and spend 3 of 10 years in Shanghai.
Of course her Chinese is as perfect as native does. When I told her I would go to the postgraduate here. She shouted "Why? How can you put up with the food here!?"
Yes, dishes are important to us. Whether you are Japanese or Chinese or Italian. So don't cut your expense for dishes and enjoy the Chinese deliciousness please