I've been 华南 area for these 2weeks and now accustomed to this humid climate.
Actually its more close to Japan,lots of rain,high moisture in the
air, I'm used to it.
One of my friend wrote me comment(thanks Yamada!) that Japan got into the Tsuyu.
I think here in China more or less the same,it rains a lot especially
in southern provinces, 广洲
,福州,浙江,for example.
Those southern areas, or coastal areas in other word, are developing
rapidly especially in current
China.I felt like I was living in "forest of Neon light" in Shanghai.
And personally I come from Chiba,which is next to ocean so I will more
ease at these places.
I drank coffee for the first time in the last month and a half to
get stuck in McDonald's cheering Japan from TV. Hope coming June will be filled with joy of blog Worldcup!
11 年前
1 件のコメント:
I'm sorry about not replying you ASAP. I was confused by the difficulty to adjust the life in UK at first. Now finally I settled down to enjoy the life here.
You are full with courage of traveling a foreigner country for such a long term.
Take care and enjoy yourself.
Keep in touch!